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Grow Your Good 2016

Get excited, friends... the second annual Grow Your Good conference is coming your way this fall! 

Last year, our inaugural gathering brought together more than 50 nonprofit leaders
to learn about fundraising, social media and strategic planning. 

Adrienne Griffin, executive director of Postpartum Support Virginia, called it

"The best (money) I've spent thus far in my almost-10 years
working in the nonprofit sector."



Grow Your Good is unlike any other conference you'll attend.
The interactive format and small group breakout sessions mean our experts will address your questions, not just speak off a PowerPoint. You'll get to know colleagues in the nonprofit world and learn about companies that will work with you
to help you bring your mission to as many people as possible.
Grow Your Good takes everything you never liked about attending work conferences and turns it on its head. 
Get ready to take your good to great!